Sweet cauliflower mash

Mash cauli edit.jpg

Cauliflower mash is a tasty alternative to potato, containing loads more fibre and nutrients. If you can’t come at the flavour yet, try adding some zucchini for a touch of sweetness. This recipe is Paleo, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten free, Dairy free, Low histamine, No amylose, Lo-carb, AIP if you replace the almond milk with coconut milk and replace the butter with ghee or coconut oil, and Vegan if you use coconut oil.  

Preparation Time

20 mins

Cooking Time

20 mins




Dairy free, Vegetarian


1 head cauliflower, chopped into florets

1 zucchini, cut into rounds

1 cup almond milk

Pinch nutmeg or mace

1 clove garlic, pressed

1 tbsp grass fed butter or ghee

Onion powder

Sea or Himalayan salt

White pepper

Chives, parsley or chopped spring onion for sprinkling on top


  1. Add cauliflower, almond milk, garlic and nutmeg / mace to a saucepan and gently bring to boil

  2. Allow to simmer, stirring occasionally, until cauliflower is tender, around 15 mins

  3. Add butter/ghee, onion powder, salt and pepper and blend until smooth

  4. Garnish with chives, parsley or chopped spring onion if desired