Classic green goddess dressing

Green Goddess Dressing

This divine dressing or sauce goes perfectly with many salads and fritters, and can even be eaten as a dip. It will keep in your fridge for almost a week.

Preparation Time

10 mins

Cooking Time

2 mins in the blender


5 days worth


Paleo, Low histamine, Dairy free, Gluten free, Lo-carb, AIP, No amylose, and Vegetarian when you exclude the anchovies


½ avocado

3 tbsp coconut milk

3 tbsp lemon juice

1 clove crushed garlic

2 anchovy fillets

4 tbsp flat-leaf parsley leaves

3 tbsp chopped basil leaves

1 tbsp chopped tarragon leaves or ½ tbsp dried

tsp salt

125 ml or ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil


  1. Place all ingredients except the olive oil in the food processor / blender and combine well

  2. With the motor still running, slowly pour in the olive oil until and process until the dressing thickens and the dressing is smooth

  3. Store in the fridge for up to 5 days. Can be frozen for up to 3 months